What we do
- Support blind and visually impaired students financially;
- Help the blind see through education
- Offer basic computer adapted trainings and advice
- Support small generating income projects
- Financial support of blind and visually impaired students
- Develop, support and monitor small generating income projects
and follow-up the studies of blind and visually impaired both at primary, secondary and university level; - Provide blind and visually impaired students with basic equipment (Braille papers, slates, white canes);
- Offer basic computer adapted training and advice;
- Advise, rehabilitate and monitor persons who have lost their sight at an advanced age;
- Develop small generating income projects like poultry farming, sale of honey and other products for the financial autonomy of adult blind;
- Create awareness among the general public about the efficiency, productivity and potential capacity of blind individuals in Cameroon and in the Central Africa sub region.

Our difficulties
The Association for the Promotion of Assistive Technologies and the Education of the Blind receives more than fifty applications for support from blind and visually impaired students every year, excluding adults blind and those who can no longer go to school. But our financial limitations do not permit us to even take care of ten annually.
The association lacks specialized equipment necessary for the autonomy of blind like white canes, Braille papers, slates and stylus. There is no possibility to really develop assistive technologies capable of helping persons with visual impairment.
It is difficult to support small generating income projects of adult blind as there is always no means available for that.
Our association does not have an appropriate headquarters. We therefore use the veranda of a volunteer for most of our ceremonies, where there is no security, making it difficult to keep some records.
Moreover, no real activity can be carried out here because of the inadequacy of the place.
Our partners
Our organization is still very young, but our vision is noble. Despite the challenges, we remain optimistic that the future will be better for the blind and visually impaired in Cameroon.
We basically receive support from volunteers and some church members and work in collaboration with local organizations of the civil society.

I was hopeless and discouraged when I became blind. I lost my job I was obliged to go back to the village. But I met APTICA in 2013, they restored my desire to live and taught me that I could carry out an activity to earn a living. They found a financial support that helped me start poultry farming and today I have many chicken in my farm and I am autonomous.
Thanks to APTICA, I have been able to go back to school after spending two years at home because of financial difficulties. I knew the organisation in 2014 and they helped me to enrol for Spanish studies at the University of Yaounde I. Now, I can hope for a better future. APTICA is doing a wonderful job!